Sunday, April 25, 2010

Planes vs. Volcano: a taste of things to come?

As planes take to the air once again across Europe, many around the world are wondering out loud whether air travel is necessary, or indeed even disireable. 

Mount Eyjafjallajeokull's eruption is a climate change disaster, releasing 150,000 tons of CO2 every day, with no signs of slowing down. Even more damaging however is European air travel, as seen in the diagram below courtesy of   Unfortunately "planes or volcano" is now a moot question. How can we avoid the global consequences of planes + volcano?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Métro gratuit pour le jour de la terre

Bon, j'exagère un peu, mais les réseaux de transport en commun de 11grandes municipalités québécoises offrent aux usagers d'inviter un ami à prendre le métro gratuitement le jour 22 avril prochain, le Jour de la Terre.  Il s'agit d'une collaboration inédite non-seulement entre les réseaux de transport en commun, mais aussi pour leurs partenaires